Meet the Coach!

About Coach Kim

WHY offer a wellness experience for others?

After growing up and enjoying many wonderful experiences as a three letter athlete in high school, getting married, teaching physical education and having three kids, I didn't focus on proper eating, exercise or wellness. I chose to

focus on being a good wife, mom, teacher & coach. My priorities seemed "in order", but they were not. Despite good intentions, I was actually neglecting my wellness by ignoring the deliberate actions required to maintain that wellness.

When I reached mid-40's, naturally my hormones, emotions and body began to change. Each year, I added 2-3 lbs of weight, lost flexibility and paid less and less attention to diet and nutrition. By age 48 I had added 30 pound

s to my 5'-5" frame. My joints hurt, old injuries hurt more and I developed a general stiffness throughout my body head to toe. Additionally, my blood sugar was inconsistent which affected energy, metabolism, sleeping and daily quality of LIFE!!!

On top of everything already mentioned, I WAS ASHAMED OF MY ONCE ATHLETIC PHYSIQUE!  UNACCEPTABLE!

May 2018 started my Wellness Journey! I was inspired by a "random" on line fitness teacher. She was the "spark" that ignited my FIRE! The rest was up to me regarding em

otional & nutritional education, exercise and ACTUALLY consistently taking ACTION.  I researched many different nutritional diets, not wanting a "fad" diet but instead a new nutritional lifestyle. In the beginning, I chose to dive into a  Strict Keto regimen for the first 12 months to get the ball rolling fast. I later learned that eating a low carb, higher protein & fat diet worked BEST for me. Incidentally, low carb, higher protein & fat nutritional lifestyle works best for the vast majority of healthy people.

Since May 2018, I have lost & kept off 30 lb and hit my goal weight back in October 2020! I have loss 7" off my chest & waist, 4" off my hips, 6" off my right thigh, 5 1/

4" off my left thigh, 1 3/4" off right bicep & 2 1/2" off left bicep... for a GRAND TOTAL of -33.5 INCHES!!!!! It was about momentum & direction and I had established that.  That is a GREAT feeling!

Even after dropping a few pounds and inches, I felt AWESOME!!  I knew I was headed in the right direction to a better emotional & physical state!!  Even during the weeks I felt bloated or gained an inch/pound- I knew I had the ability, desire & perseverance to change my outlook! I gained strength in ALL areas of my life- emotionally, nutritionally & physically!

I see that getting my emotions under control, prioritizing the activities in my life, planning meals in advance, taking quality supplements and engaging in different fitness

activities consistently has truly changed ME!  And, I want to help others experience FREEDOM from negative emotions, stress, anxiety over looking like the "Hollywood Elite" and instead, take control of their emotions, nutritional choices and adding in positive, enjoyable fitness routines!

Before Pic- May 2018 (165lb)

After Pic- Jan 2021 (135lb)

May 2019- 165lb